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(영문판)Failure Management & Success Management

  • (주)박영사

13,500스콘 10


13,500스콘 10

작품 소개

제2판발행 2024.07.25

중판발행 2021.09.29

초판발행 2021.08.10


It is hard to define success and failure easily. This is not only because each person has different criteria for judging success and failure, but also because there are two paradoxes: The first paradox is that failure can beget a success in the future. The second para- dox is that success can lead us to a failure. We encounter and respond to these two paradoxes in our daily lives. If we cannot perfectly avoid living in this paradox and irony of success and failure, how can we respond more actively to these paradoxes?

As an attempt to answer the above question more systemati- cally, this study has been conducted since 2010. The authors used the grounded theory approach to analyze many cases and prior studies, and thereby we wanted to find common concepts and systematic patterns of dimensions in the data. As a result of the analysis, we created and proposed two concepts: Failure Management (FM) and Success Management (SM). In short, failure management is ‘the method of systematically recognizing and using the benefits of failure, and success management can be defined as ‘the method of systematically recognizing and preventing the harmfulness of success (i.e., the state in which reality is inferior to the goal or expectation).’

Through the above work, the authors published three articles over the years through Organizational Dynamics, an English aca- demic journal (SSCI) that focuses on the readers such as manage- ment leaders, practitioners and MBA students. This book is a compilation of the three published papers and an additional chapter for readers who have little chance to access academic journals.

The contents presented in this book are common sense that has already been widely discussed by many scholars and front-line managers and experienced by ordinary people. Rather, the biggest advantage of the framework presented in this book would be the words ‘failure management’ and ‘success management.’ Even if you don’t know or remember the specific principles or examples of the framework introduced in this book, it would be beneficial just to remember and live with the two new terms, ‘failure management’ and ‘success management.’ Because these terms provide a new lens or frame for us to look at the world.

This study was conducted mainly on cases in the field of enterprise management, but we believe that the framework of failure management and success management will be applicable in various fields of individuals and society. We hope this book will be a small reference for those who pursue ‘dynamic sus- tainability through paradoxes.’


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