작품 소개
“유럽과 아시아의 연계성: 안보, 경제 그리고 이동성”은 탈냉전과 탈세계화 시기를 맞이하여 자유롭고 개방된 국제질서를 지향하는 뜻을 같이하는 국가들 간의 관계가 필수적임을 강조하고 있다. 한국과 유럽의 열 명의 전문가들이 협업하여 작성된 이 책은 안보문제와 경제통상관계 그리고 과학기술분야의 이동성 증대가 중요함을 역설한다.
책 속으로
The relations between Europe and Asia have developed ever since “Towards a New Asia Strategy” (1994) was prepared. Under this umbrella document, EU made a framework of agreements with individual states in Asia and the inter-regional dimension Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) was introduced to fill the vacuum of nexus between Asia and Europe. Throughout more than two decades of inter-regionalism, there have been many improvement, starting from increasing volume of trade and mobility.1 Nevertheless, due to changes in the international environment and concerns about power relations among stakeholders, a new horizon between Europe and Asia is highly demanded.
Main objectives of the EU Centre at HUFS (2019-2022) have been facilitating connectivity among the regions in concern by way of in-depth research activities, 1.5 Track diplomacy and opening to the civil society. Connecting Europe and Asia was a response to turbulent global challenges in which an illiberal international order and trade wars are imminent. It is believed that to fill this gap and to overcome the missing link between the two regions, it is imperative to increase level of connectivity in the areas such as security, trade and mobility, etc.
In 2016, EU Global Strategy referred to this issue in the name of “A Connected Asia” which put the emphasis on a direct connection between European prosperity and Asia security.2 In fact, peace and stability in Asia are a prerequisite for European prosperity. This rationale was further developed with “Connecting Europe and Asia: Building Block for an EU Strategy” (2018). In East Asia, resurgent China and its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are creating uneasiness to security actors in the region. One of the reaction is manifested with Indo-Pacific Strategy among US, Japan, India and Australia, which is often called Quad. Against these backdrops, what Europe can do in the region is a theoretical as well as practical issue to be dealt with. Since 2019 was a time for advent of new leadership, it is appropriate to examine how Europe as security provider can engage in Asia. If more efficient and coherent leadership would be made, the role of the EU in Asia will accelerate to materialize different strategies. Besides, European states such as UK, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands recently published their own Indo-Pacific Strategies and the EU also prepared its own strategy towards the region.3 In Connecting Europe and Asia Strategy, the European way via sustainable, comprehensive and rules-based connectivity is emphasized and respective strands between Europe and Asia are presented.
In 2021, the EU launched the Global Gateway as a counterweight to the BRI. Mobilising up to €300 billion by 2027, the initiative builds on several important steps the Union has taken in years. While its 2018 strategy expresses its will to cooperate with other regions to promote comprehensive, sustainable, and rules-based connectivity, the 2021 iteration provides concrete measures with corresponding financial foothold. To implement it, three ways are presented: connectivity as partnership, connectivity as an opportunity and connectivity as European sovereignty.4
In this introductory chapter we are firstly going to explore the historical overview of Europe-Asia relations in the post-Cold War era. Then more recent strategies of the EU will be explored such as EU Global Strategy, Connectivity, Global Gateway and Strategic Compass, etc. Third section presents summaries of each contribution of the book.
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