작품 소개
This book explains the basic concept of policies, systems, and laws regarding the Korean ODA, and introduces cases that identify problems and proposes the future tasks.
책 속으로
The Republic of Korea (Korea), a small nation in Asia, has been overcoming the diculties of post-war circumstances and has shown the remarkable economic development and cultural sophistication in half a century. Since the role of international assistance played a crucial role in this development process, the Korean government has been trying to establish its own sets of international aid programs since 2000 as a member of the international society. As time has passed, there have been numerous attempts to cultivate the ‘Korean Style,’ which is based on Korea’s experiences and technologies in the eld of Ocial Development Assistance(ODA). Regardless of various endeavors, ODA related policies and institutions; Korea still has many challenges to overcome.
This book explains the basic concept of policies, systems, and laws regarding the Korean ODA, and introduces cases that identify problems and proposes the future tasks. Each author focuses on detailed explanations of the Korean ODA, recognizes challenges of certain fields, and organized those in an orderly manner to assist further comprehension. is book deals with the Korean ODA, which is receiving the international attention, in English and gives a comprehensive view of the problems at hand. Thus, this book is initially, a general introductive book for the undergraduates who have learned the basic concepts of ODA for the rst time. Secondly, it is a lecture material for those who has shown constant attention in the Korean ODA.
The authors of this book are the young intellectuals who have been studying and practicing the Korean ODA. ey have been discussing over the Korean ODA as mentors, mentees and colleagues for a long time. ese concerns are still present matters and will continue to be in the future. erefore, there might be mistakes and errors in this particular literature, and it will still be a challenge to be improved as the current Korean ODA.
Bongchul Kim
출판사 서평
This book explains the basic concept of policies, systems, and laws regarding the Korean ODA, and introduces cases that identify problems and proposes the future tasks. Each author focuses on detailed explanations of the Korean ODA, recognizes challenges of certain fields, and organized those in an orderly manner to assist further comprehension. Thus, this book is initially, a general introductive book for the undergraduates who have learned the basic concepts of ODA for the first time. Secondly, it is a lecture material for those who has shown constant attention in the Korean ODA.
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