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Lectures on Korean ODA Law

  • H.Press
180일 대여
원래 가격: 18,000스콘.현재 가격: 9,000스콘.50
180일 대여
원래 가격: 18,000스콘.현재 가격: 9,000스콘.50

작품 소개

This book explains the basic concept of policies, systems, and laws regarding the Korean ODA, and introduces cases that identify problems and proposes the future tasks. Each author focuses on detailed explanations of the Korean ODA, recognizes challenges of certain fields, and organized those in an orderly manner to assist further comprehension. Thus, this book is initially, a general introductive book for the undergraduates who have learned the basic concepts of ODA for the first time. Secondly, it is a lecture material for those who has shown constant attention in the Korean ODA.


Preface • 7
Lecture 1. Introduction to the Study and Basic Points of the ‘ O DA’ • 17
Lecture 2. Paradigm of the Development in the International Society • 31
Lecture 3. Development Issues and Law, UN • 53
Lecture 4. ODA and Trade Issues, WTO • 71
Lecture 5. The Laws on the ODA Works of the OECD • 101
Lecture 6. ODA and MDBs • 119
Lecture 7. IBRD, ADB, and AFDB • 143
Lecture 8. Korean Economy and the ODA • 167
Lecture 9. Korean ODA in the International Society • 189
Lecture 10. International Law for the Korean ODA Works • 215
Lecture 11. Domestic Laws for the Korean ODA • 233
Lecture 12. The Law for KOICA • 261
Lecture 13. The Law for EDCF • 279

저자 정보

  • Bongchul Kim

    • 국적 해당 정보가 없습니다.
    • 출생
    • 학력 King’s College London 박사 학위
      한국 외국어 대학교 박사 학위
    • 이력 해당 정보가 없습니다.
  • Ho Kim

    • 국적 해당 정보가 없습니다.
    • 출생
    • 학력 He holds a Ph.D. in Law at King’s College London (University of London) with overseas Research Scholarships (ORS) by the UK government.
      Professor Kim also holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Law at HUFS.
    • 이력 해당 정보가 없습니다.


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