작품 소개
The organization of this book is straightforward. After an introductory chapter on the concept of multicultural literacy(ML), components and tiers of ML, and ML for English Language Learners(ELLs) in curriculum, the text follows model for teaching ML, goals and contents for teaching ML, and ways for teaching and assessing ML. The components consist of attitude, knowledge, skills, and implementation force. The tiers comprise the Internal Thinking Tier and the External Acting Tier. The former includes ‘attitude’ of affective domain and ‘knowledge’ of cognitive domain, whereas the latter includes ‘skills’ and ‘implementation force’ of affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains. The chapters to follow will trace the components and tiers of ML from goals and contents to teaching and assessing methods. In many more cases, we will closely look at assessing methods in alignment with teaching and learning activities focused on multicultural literacy.
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